Seeing is Believing

A visionary approach to noninvasive glaucoma treatment.

YES, IT’S REAL. Femtosecond laser precision and micron-accurate image guidance will soon reveal a new era of noninvasive glaucoma treatment.

A Great Unmet Need in Glaucoma Care

The traditional approach to glaucoma therapy – topical medications as first line followed by conventional laser therapy, if needed, then surgery, all with the goal of lowering intraocular pressure (IOP) – has been largely unchanged for over 150  years.

While advancements in the nonmedical management of glaucoma have emerged in recent years, key challenges in this space remain to be addressed. For example, the requirements for certain procedures to be performed with cataract surgery, the incisional nature and technical challenges of OR-based procedures, variable healing responses among patients, and the risks of surgery may all limit the widespread use of minimally invasive procedures.

At ViaLase®, we believe a clear unmet need exists for patients who would benefit from a completely noninvasive, nonpharmacologic procedure to address their IOP lowering goals.

The Current Glaucoma Treatment Landscape is Ripe for Disruption:

Topical Medication

Topical Medication

High Noncompliance Rates and nonadherence contribute to disease progression1

Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT)

Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty

High Failure Rates ranging from noneffective (~33% of patients) to moderately effective (short duration of ~1 year); effectiveness decreases further over time2

Minimally-Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS)

Minimally-Invasive Glaucoma Surgery

Invasive, by definition, and most commonly performed during cataract surgery. This has limited widespread adoption and restricted patient access.

Filtration Surgery

Filtration Surgeries

Highly Invasive/Last Resort procedure is complicated and has a failure rate of ~50% at 5 years3

ViaLase’s pioneering femtosecond laser-based technology brings a new level of imaging and precision to glaucoma care.

Our platform is designed to:

Enable surgeons to intervene early with a noninvasive, nonpharmacologic procedure that can be performed outside of a cataract surgery setting

Offer the chance to monumentally impact topical nonadherence

Provide a seamless surgeon and patient experience - all without the restraints of incisional surgery


  • FLigHT (Femtosecond laser image guided high-precision trabeculotomy) combines the precision of a femtosecond laser and the accuracy of micron-level image guidance to create precisely defined channels within the trabecular meshwork.
  • The safety profile of the photodistruptive femtosecond laser mechanism is well established in ophthalmology and has been utilized to great effect in the cornea, lens capsule, and crystalline lens.
  • The ability to noninvasively create a direct conduit between Schlemm’s canal and the anterior chamber is unique to the FLigHT procedure.

See for Yourself

Sign up for ViaLase updates, demos, and future events where you can see this first-of-its-kind technology.

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1. Nordstrom BL, Friedman DS, Mozaffari E, Quigley HA, Walker AM. Persistence and adherence with topical glaucoma therapy. Am J Ophthalmol. 2005 Oct;140(4):598-606.
2. Khawaja AP, Campbell JH, Kirby N, Chandwani HS, Keyzor I, Parekh M, McNaught AI; UK Glaucoma Real-World Data Consortium. Real-World Outcomes of Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty in the United Kingdom. Ophthalmology. 2020 Jun;127(6):748-757
3. Jampel HD, Musch DC, Gillespie BW, et al; Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment Study Group. Perioperative complications of trabeculectomy in the collaborative initial glaucoma treatment study (CIGTS). Am J Ophthalmol. 2005;140:16-22.